Montag, 15. April 2013

Rule 04 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Messages

General Instructions
All orders and messages must be sent via the umpire
Messenger will move on roads at the rate of one square per hour
A separate message is required for each address
Messages should be written as word documents, and attached to an email.

Three messages may be sent each day (one per move)
They can be sent at any time during the campaign day

The umpire will calculate how long it will take for the message to reach its destination.  
It was normal to send many copies of the same message by different routes and using different messengers. All messages will be delivered.   If they pass through a square occupied by the enemy a copy of the message will be sent to the enemy concerned as an intelligence report.  
Example of a Message/Dispatch
From                           7th German Corps
Date                            1 September 1944
Time                           1000
To                                8th German corps
Text of message/dispatch
Notes on Format
From should always be to the corps, division or brigade, not to the commander
Messages can, and should, be written “in character”. 
This more than anything else will add a bit of flavor to the campaign, and greatly add to the role play element of the campaign.

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