Montag, 15. April 2013

Rule 09 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Partizans

Command and Control
Partizan bands are independent of the Allied chain of command.
They are controlled by the umpire
Allied commanders may write and request specific operations
There will be one partizan’s band in each corps operational area
Partizans have no supply chain
They obtain supplies by force of arms in any village or town
To obtain supplies they must remain in the town or village for one campaign day
They must be out of contact with the enemy throughout the whole day
They may obtain a maximum of five days supplies
They will move at the normal infantry rate on roads
They will move at double infantry rate for all off road movement
Contact with the Enemy
They will be aware of any enemy who approaches within two map squares
They will avoid combat if possible
If not possible the normal wargames rules will be used to determine outcome
Disrupting Lines of Supply
Their main function is to disrupt the enemy lines of supply
This can only be done on the tactical map
To do so they must remain on the enemy supply road for one full campaign day
Supplies will be stopped for as long as they are allowed to remain there
Capturing Messengers
Messengers always travel along roads
Partizans will capture any messenger who enters the same square as them.
The message will be passed to the allied commander in the normal way
The message will also still be delivered to the original address

Rule 08 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Town/City Combat

Town combat will normally be decided by the umpire using the rules shown below.
Size of Garrison
Each town can support a garrison of one brigade
All garrisons will have sufficient supplies for five days
If attackers outnumber the defenders 2 to 1 garrison supply is cut
Combat Procedure
Attacker must be at least as strong as the garrison
Only one brigade can attack a village or town each move
Combat Procedure
Calculate who has the highest score:
Plus 2              Garrison
Plus 1              A class troops
Plus 1              Artillery with siege troops
Minus 1           C class troops
Minus 1           Each casualty
Minus 1           Out of Supply
Minus 1           Shaken
Higher adds the difference to 2D6 dice throw
2-4                   Higher has 100 casualties
5-8                   Draw with no casualties
9 plus              Lower has 100 casualties
Brigade with casualties test morale using wargame rules
Garrison Surrender
The garrison will surrender when they lose 400 casualties or rout

Rule 07 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Combat -

Contact with the Enemy
Contact is made when a formation enters a square next to one occupied by the enemy.
There will either be a combat, or one side will retreat.
If both are on Hold or Attack orders a battle/wargame will take place
If both are on Engage orders the umpire will decide the out come
If both are on Move or Halt orders both will retire
Transfer from Campaign Map to Wargames table
Each square on the map is duplicated by a 2x2 foot scenic square
The wargames table is 6x6 foot
When a battle is declared the table will consist of 3x3 squares from the map
The centre of the table will be the point of contact on the map
Corps Deployment
The current corps orders will be used to deploy for the battle
If a commander had given deployment orders they will be used
If the corps is moving, it will enter the table in the same order of march
Fighting the Wargame
HaJo and Jason will fight the wargame
Divisions starting the game in defence will be on Hold orders
Divisions marching onto the table will start the game on Move orders
Battle Reports
A detailed battle report will be published on the Campaign Diary blog
Campaign Play
Each battle will last one day, which is 12 hours or one campaign move
Battle Casualties
To receive replacements the division must be halted and out of enemy contact
80 cavalry or artillerists, or 160 infantry, per day
Corps commander will confirm brigade to receive replacements
Transfer from Wargame Table to Campaign Map
At the end of the battle each commander will receive an umpire report
This will confirm casualties received during the battle
The winner will normally remain on the battlefield overnight
Any brigades shaken or in rout will rally by first light
The loser will retreat one square during the night
Any brigades shaken or in rout will move with the corps but will not rally

Rule 06 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Supply

Army Depot
The Army Depot will be specified at the start of the campaign
Main supply route is the red road
Secondary supply route is the yellow road
Corps Depot
Must be at least one per corps
Must be in named town
Main depot for supply of each corps and division
Must have a secure road to Army depot
Supply Radius
Each division must always be within 15 miles (three squares) of a depot
A new corps depot can be established in any named town.  
To do so will take one infantry brigade one day
Each corps can have as many depot as required.
Division Supply
Each division carries a maximum of five days supplies
The division must be stationary for one day, and within 15 miles of depot, to resupply
Out of Supply
A division out of supply will lose 80 men to attrition each day
Corps/Division commander will decide which regiment is affected.
Detachments and Guerrillas
Special rules will apply and will be notified by the umpire

Rule 05 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Maps and Movement

Type of Map and Scale
There are two campaign maps
The strategic map shows the whole campaign area and is used for planning purposes
One square on the strategic map is 15 miles
The tactical map shows the corps operational area and is used for campaign movement
Each square on the tactical map is 5 miles on the map or 2 foot on the wargames table
The map reference is top left in each square
The wargames terrain square reference is top right in each square
Occupation of Map Square
Only one division is allowed in each square
There must always be one free square between yourself and the enemy
Leading brigade or recce brigade can enter that square to Skirmish
Losing brigade will retreat at the end of the Skirmish
Divisions can only enter that square if they have orders to Attack
Major towns or cities are named
Villages are not named
Red roads are major supply and movement routes
Yellow roads are minor supply and movement routes
Movement on either road is at the same rate
Off road movement is allowed but move penalty applies
Rivers can only be crossed by using a bridge
Hills are passable but move penalty applies if not on road
Movement is only allowed north, south, east or west from each square
Daily Movement Rates
Type                            On Road          Off Road         Hills    
Messenger                  12 squares      6 squares        3 squares       
HQ  or Cavalry           6 squares        3 squares        1 square         
Infantry or Artillery      3 squares        2 squares        1 square         
Guerrillas                    3 squares        3 squares        2 squares       

Rule 04 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Messages

General Instructions
All orders and messages must be sent via the umpire
Messenger will move on roads at the rate of one square per hour
A separate message is required for each address
Messages should be written as word documents, and attached to an email.

Three messages may be sent each day (one per move)
They can be sent at any time during the campaign day

The umpire will calculate how long it will take for the message to reach its destination.  
It was normal to send many copies of the same message by different routes and using different messengers. All messages will be delivered.   If they pass through a square occupied by the enemy a copy of the message will be sent to the enemy concerned as an intelligence report.  
Example of a Message/Dispatch
From                           7th German Corps
Date                            1 September 1944
Time                           1000
To                                8th German corps
Text of message/dispatch
Notes on Format
From should always be to the corps, division or brigade, not to the commander
Messages can, and should, be written “in character”. 
This more than anything else will add a bit of flavor to the campaign, and greatly add to the role play element of the campaign.

Rule 03 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules- Example of Daily Corps Orders -

1ST corps orders for 2nd September 1944                                                    (see note 1)
From   General von Staufen
To        2nd Division - send by messenger                                                      (see note 2)
Date    1 September 1944
Time    2000
Orders                                                                                                             (see note 3)
I want you to move from Minsk to Smolensk using the main road
2nd tank brigade is to move ahead to recce the road
Order of March                                                                                              (see note 4)
1 tank brigade        move 5 miles ahead of main body
1 infantry brigade
1 artillery battery
2 infantry brigade
3 infantry brigade
4 infantry brigade
Detachments                                                                                                  (see note 5)   
1 tank brigade to move 5 miles ahead of main body, but keep in contact
Report any enemy contact, but do not engage
Movement                                                                                                      (see note 6)
Main body move N08 to M08 to L08 to K08
Tank brigade move five miles ahead of the main body
Contact with the Enemy                                                                                (see note 7)
Tank brigade is on Move orders
Main body is on Engage orders
Reinforcements                                                                                              (see note 8)
No reinforcements received
Resupply                                                                                                         (see note 9)
Division has seven days supplies
They will resupply when they reach Smolensk
Notes to explain Daily Orders
Note 1
One campaign day is 12 hours
One wargame is 12 moves
Orders are always written at 2000 hrs for the next day
Orders are written for the period 0800 to 2000 the next day
Note 2
Command radius covers all adjacent map squares
All orders are issued by the corps commander
Any division or brigade within command radius will receive them immediately
Orders for any other division or brigade must be sent by messenger
Note 3
Orders should be of a general nature, the detail comes later
Note 4
The order of march is important.
If there is an engagement, rather than a full battle, only the leading brigade makes contact
The umpire will then calculate the result based on the ability of the leading brigade
Note 5
Detachments must have clear orders what to do if they meet with the enemy
If they are more than one square from the commander all communication is by mail
If the division has to fight a battle with a brigade out of command range that brigade cannot take part in the battle unless they have specific orders to do so.
Note 6
It’s important to show the actual square references you want to move through
Only one division is allowed in each square at the same time
If more than one division try to move through a square at the same time there will be movement penalties
Note 7
You must always confirm what you want to do if you meet with the enemy
Choice of orders are as follows
Move               Move to objective but halt and wait for new orders if enemy contact
Recce               Report on a particular square or terrain objective
Halt                 Do not move at all during the next 24 hours, retreat if enemy advance
Engage            Leading brigade will skirmish with leading enemy brigade
Attack             Fight a full battle with any enemy contacted.
Hold                Remain in present location and fight to defend it if the enemy advance
Resupply         Do not move at all during the next 24 hours and resupply
Note 8
Battle casualties are replaced as reinforcements.
To receive them the division must be stationary for a full day
Numbers will be confirmed in the daily umpire report
Corps commanders will allocate them to brigades in their next daily orders
Note 9
You will be advised in the daily umpire report of the current supply
To receive supply you must write orders to do so
You must be within three squares of a supply depot
You must also remain stationary for a full day to receive the supplies

Samstag, 6. April 2013

Rule 02 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Scaling , Size, Army Composition

Rule 02 – Scaling - Size - Army Composition

1 wargame figure = 100 men

Composition of Army

Each Army has three corps

Composition of corps
Each corps has two divisions

Composition of Division
Four infantry brigades of 8 figures each plus one HQ
One tank platoon of 4 tanks
Artillery battery of one gun and 4 figures

Types of Commanders
Commander in Chief (CinC)
Corps commanders
Divisional commanders (HQ)

Ability of Commanders
Veteran – plus three on command points
Trained – plus two on command points
Conscript – plus one on command points

Ability of Brigades

Fearless - plus three on skill points
Confident - plus two on skill points
Reluctant - plus one on skill points

Donnerstag, 4. April 2013

Rule 01 - Flames of War - PBEM Rules - Campaign Setup

Rule 01 – How the Campaign Works

Campaign Day
There are 12 hours or 12 wargame moves in each Campaign Day
Each campaign move is 4 hours or 4 wargame moves

Role of Umpire
Send a report to each corps commander at the end of each campaign day
Take the role of both German and Allied Commander in Chief (CinC)
Resolve all battles or engagements

Role of Corps Commander
Write daily orders for his corps to include:
Contact with the enemy
Battle Casualties

Umpire Report
Sent to the corps commander at the end of each campaign day and will include:
What has happened during the previous 24 hours
Current order of battle and casualties
Current supply situation
Any contact with the enemy
Action required of the corps commander

Contact with the Enemy
The enemy will be seen when they come within two map squares
To be seen there must be line of sight
Both sides will react in accordance with their daily orders
On Move orders both sides will halt to await further orders
On Engage orders the leading regiment of each division will skirmish
On Attack orders both sides will deploy and fight a major battle

Skirmish Combat
The umpire will decide the outcome using the current wargame rules
This will be done as a paper exercise and no wargame figures will be used

HaJo and Jason will set up a wargame for all battles
They will use the current wargame rules
They will take account of corps commander orders but not necessarily follow them
A photo will be taken of each move and a full report published on the Campaign Diary Blog

Artillery Special Rule
Heavy Artillery Units can shot across two map squares
Light and Medium Artillery Units can shot across one map square