Samstag, 28. September 2013

Houserule - Tank Battles

This is a simple houserule which I will adapt to the PBEM. Original score by

For those interested, I have simplified a bit the procedure to destroy/"bail out" tanks in FOW. It avoids 3 consecutives die rolls (one against armor, one for penetration and one for firepower). All is combined in one save throw from the defending tank when hit.

It goes like this:
  1. Run your to hit procedure as usual
  2. Allocate hits
  3. Look at the AT rating vs Armor difference of the target vs shooter, and select the FP line
  4. Defending player rolls 3 dice together for each hit: 2 white and one colored
  5. The defender passes his save if the two dice equal or exceed the black number
  6. If not, look at the colored die, if it exceeds the red number, tank is bailed out
  7. Any other results, the round has penetrated and destroyed the tank
One remark: most of the figures are derived from the stats. Sometimes, due to the limitation of 6 sided dice, the odds have to be simplified a bit but it shouldn't be too much of a problem if both sides are using exactly the same table. Per convention, if the dice hit the figure in the table, it is a pass: read "7" sames as "7 or more to pass"

Let's consider a StuG IIIG that scores three hits on a T34/85 (front armor) that moved at the double
  • AT rating of the StuG is 11, FP 3
  • Armor rating of the T34 is:7

The difference is Armor - AT rating = -4

Look in appropriate column and row for FP3. Soviet player attempts to save on each hit and throws 2 white dice and one red die together.

First save attempt:
Red dice: 2,6 = 8 > 7 - T34 passes the save
White die : 5 (die ignored)

Second save attempt:
Red dice: 2+3 = 5 lower than 7 - T34 save failed
White die : 5 (passed bail out), tank is bailed out

Third save attempt:
Red dice: again 2+3 = 5 lower than 7 - T34 save failed
White die : 2 (failed bail out), tank is destroyed

If there are errors, there are only mine (among other things the colored die is...white!) but I hope this fast play table has some interest.
Again, it is worth noticing that it is based on all the statistics that come out with the standard  rolls procedure. Since we are using here 6 sided die, some approximation and rounding of the stats were necessary. This should not be too much of an issue in the game if both parties agree to use the table. It may simply help speeding up a bit tank fighting.

Constructive criticisms and remarks are welcome! Let me know what you think.